Thursday, December 4, 2008


Friday, October 24, 2008

Dehydration Article

Read the article on dehydration in your journal and answer the following questions. Use complete sentences.
1. What is the main idea in the reading?
2. What is the author's point of view?
3. Was the reading to provide information or enjoyment? Use details to support your answer.
4. What are the four major causes of heat-related illnesses?
5. Explain five ways to prevent dehydration.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


To construct a journal include the following information:

Outside Journal
1. Name
2. Nickname
3. Course Title
4. Teacher's Name
5. Block
6. Favorite Number
7. Favorite Color
8. Personal Logo
9. Self Portrait

Inside Journal
1. Family Unit (who lives in your house)
2. Parent Name & Emergency Phone Number
3. Academic Goals
4. Athletic/Other Goals
5. Daily/Weekly Exercise
6. R.I.C.E (how to treat athletic injury)
Ice (20 min)